Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Just the Beginning...

Six months...

Endless tears of frustration, angry fits when they wouldn't behave, grins at their antics, more tears when *they* cried, hours upon hours at the keyboard, sleepless nights, and late (or non-existent) dinners for my poor family...

732 pins on their Pinterest board...

767 pages (more with edits)...

And I finally just wrote the ending - no, the true beginning - of Danny & Kat's story.

I could get very emotional - oh, who are we kidding, I am bawling like a baby - but I will simply say: I love and admire them both so very much and I hope, when I finally hit "publish" and you get to know them, too, you'll love them as much as I do.

Thank you for taking this incredible journey with me, for supporting me and encouraging me when I needed it the most, and - most of all - for wanting to get to know them. I hope you find them worth the wait!

The process isn't quite over, but we're almost there! Thank you, everyone! 

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